
Does the candidate fit into our team?

What are their strengths & weaknesses?

Where do the results come from?

How do the results help me?

Does the candidate fit into our team?

On the basis of the analysis it becomes clear to what extent the candidate fits into the culture as well as the tasks and the team and corresponds to your expectations.

Fit into team

What are their strengths & weaknesses?

On the dashboard, there is a section labeled "What do they bring to the table/what do you need to look out for?" This describes the candidate's strengths and weaknesses and how to deal with them.


Where do the results come from?

Our AI analyses body language, facial expressions and applicant voices. They get classified based on the Big 5 model and then compared to the target profile. The AI knows how to do this, as it learned from over 1000 recruiters and their recommendations.

How do the results help me?

We give you the opportunity to compare different candidates quickly and easily.It will just take you a quick look at the “Overview” to see which applicant fits best into your team and company.

Further the detailed results can help you to identify possible motivators and ways of successfully communicate with the candidate.

Result page1.3_overview

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